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The Zac Cupples Show

Jan 25, 2018

Movement Debrief Episode 34 is in the books. Here is a copy of the video and audio for your listening pleasure.

Here is the set list:

  • How does we consider a hip relatively lax?
  • Can one be lax and "stuck" into a hip?
  • How do we treat hip laxity?
  • What is agility?
  • How does one become more agile?
  • What drills best develop...

Jan 18, 2018

Movement Debrief Episode 33 is in the books. Here is a copy of the video and audio for your listening pleasure.

Here is the set list:

  • Do I use clinical practice guidelines and treatment-based classification system for managing patients?
  • How much time do I devote to developing specific qualities in a typical physical...

Jan 11, 2018

Movement Debrief Episode 32 is in the books. Here is a copy of the video and audio for your listening pleasure.

Here is the set list:

  • How do I organize a talk or course?
  • How do I get speaking engagements?
  • Should we be performing hip openers?
  • How do I integrate PRI and DNS into rehab and performance?
  • Is there a...

Jan 4, 2018

Movement Debrief Episode 31 is in the books. Here is a copy of the video and audio for your listening pleasure.

Here is the set list:

  • How does pelvic position influence SI joint pain?
  • Is there a difference between right and left SI joint pain?
  • Where do slideboard variations fit into the program?
  • When are bulging discs...