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The Zac Cupples Show

Oct 31, 2019

Movement Debrief Episode 101 is in the books. Here is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure.

Here is the set list:

  • Why does a foot turn out or in?
  • How can we decide how much foot position is related to normal femoral torsion or ventral cavity movement limitations?
  • How much does femoral version matter?
  • Should...

Oct 17, 2019

Movement Debrief Episode 100 is in the books. Here is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure.

Here is the set list:

  • First, a case study of a patient who had full thorax motion, yet still had pain
  • How to problem solve through a set of movement limitations
  • Why is overhead pressing useful?
  • What does my...

Oct 10, 2019

Movement Debrief Episode 99 is in the books. Here is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure.

Here is the set list:

  • What are the key performance indicators many geriatrics need to keep healthy?
  • What are some tips to maximizing movement options in geriatrics?
  • What progressions do I utilize for geriatrics?
  • What...

Oct 3, 2019

Movement Debrief Episode 98 is in the books. Here is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure.

Here is the set list:

  • What does rib external and internal rotation look like?
  • How do I approach improving shoulder mechanics?
  • Any current training considerations for shoulder issues?
  • Why do medical providers often...