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The Zac Cupples Show

Dec 20, 2020

Can’t turn your head? Find out why

So the neck, thorax, shoulders, and more are all related, but is there a convenient way to illustrate the interconnectedness of these areas?

I think there is one test that can provide TONS of insight here.

That test?

Lower cervical rotation

The ability to rotate the lower part of the...

Dec 12, 2020

An overview and novel assessment of gait mechanics 

Walking is one of the most fundamental movements we have as humans, yet how often do we see movement inefficiencies present in this common pattern?

You know who I’m talking about. The person who has no arm swing. The waddler, the toe walker. Clearly, something is...

Dec 5, 2020

Your tuck isn't what you think it is

You’ve been all excited about teaching everyone to tuck their hips during exercise, then it happens:

“Coach, my back HURTS!!!! WTF?!?!”

That tucking must be a bunch of bs then, right?


Many peeps have a markedly difficult time differentiating pelvic motion (aka what is...

Nov 15, 2020

Does manual therapy have a place?

Manual therapy is one of the more polarizing topics in the movement world, and no doubt you might wonder if this modality is efficacious for improving pain and/or movement.

The evidence on manual therapy in isolation is mixed, but perhaps the modality itself is not the problem.


Nov 8, 2020

If you want to improve your movement capabilities, is there gym equipment that can help you?

If moving better is important to you, you’ve probably wondered what gym equipment would best help me reach that goal?

Gym equipment is endless and often gimmicky, so what would the essentials be to get me to where I want to...