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The Zac Cupples Show

Apr 25, 2020

How to maximize your spinal movement

Movement Debrief Episode 118 is in the books. Here is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure.

Here is the setlist:

  • What happens to the thoracic spine and scapulae during inhalation?
  • What compensatory strategy is present with a Dowager's Hump?
  • What treatments should one with a...

Apr 18, 2020

Learn how reaching and improve upper body mobility

Movement Debrief Episode 117 is in the books. Here is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure.

Here is the setlist:

  • What order should I prioritize improving ribcage expansion?
  • What is the manubriosternal joint?
  • What happens when I have mixed compensations at...

Apr 11, 2020

Learn how reaching and improve upper body mobility

Movement Debrief Episode 116 is in the books. Here is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure.

Here is the setlist:

  • How does airflow change at various reaching angles?
  • How does airflow change with trunk rotation?
  • What is the scapular orientation during...

Apr 4, 2020

A deep dive into the infrasternal angle

Movement Debrief Episode 115 is in the books. Here is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure.

Here is the setlist:

  • What are the primary compensatory strategies with a wide and narrow infrasternal angle?
  • What would be secondary compensations seen with these infrasternal...