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The Zac Cupples Show

Jun 27, 2020

Do you ever get asked why are you breathing like that during an exercise?

Or worse yet, maybe you've gotten in ANOTHER Facebook argument with some trainer or clinician who is skeptical of breathing.

Despite typing feverishly, throwing all caps on that comment, everything you can, no luck.

Ask me to show you the...

Jun 20, 2020

A comprehensive look at cervical biomechanics and exercise

The Wu-Tang clan once said “Protect Ya Neck,” but how in the heck can you do that if you don’t know the biomechanics??????

The neck can be quite complicated considering all the factors that influence it’s dynamics:

  • Ribcage position
  • Thoracic spine

Jun 13, 2020

Know different postures you will see inside and out!

It seems like there are a bazillion different types of postural presentations. Is there any way to simplify the confusion?

Interestingly enough, things like flat back, extreme kyphosis, and even the common compensatory pattern can be explained through the movement...