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The Zac Cupples Show

Mar 28, 2021

Improving movement options is legit, but at what cost?

We know that this breathing stuff works, but are there drawbacks to this approach? Can we really make the changes “stick?”

These are a few of the many problems that Dr. Tim Richardt and I sift through, in a podcast where the script is flipped and Tim interviews...

Mar 21, 2021

If you mouth breathe, struggle sleeping, snore, or have eustachian tube issues, then check this out!

Mouth breathing is linked to sleep disorders, tooth decay, eustachian tube issues, and so much more, what do you do about it?

Could the answer be myofunctional therapy? That’s what I sift through with Myofunctional...

Mar 14, 2021

Got double chins for days and can’t open the neck up? Check this out

While there is no perfect static posture, it is not uncommon for someone who has a military head posture to have limited cervical extension.

Maybe you’ve tried a bunch of traditional moves to get it back, yet it still persists.

Oh, if only getting...

Mar 7, 2021

What has changed in my treatment model?

If you aren’t getting better, you are getting worse, so how has your thought process and model changed?

I was asked this question recently, and I think over the last several years many things have changed. There has been a bigger focus towards:

  • The basics
  • Sleep
  • Building power