Apr 25, 2020
Movement Debrief Episode 118 is in the books. Here is a copy of the video for your viewing pleasure.
Here is the setlist:
If you want to watch these live, add me on Instagram.
Check out Human Matrix promo video here
Here are some testimonials for the class
Want to sign up? Click on the following locations below:
August 1st-2nd, Boston, MA (Early bird ends July 5th at 11:55pm!)
September 12th-13th, Montreal, Canada (Early bird ends August 16th at 11:55pm!) [6 CEUs approved for Athletic Therapists by CATA!]
October 3rd-4th, Ann Arbor, MI (Early bird ends September 6th at 11:55pm!)
November 7th-8th, Charlotte, NC (Early bird ends October 11th at 11:55pm!)
November 21st-22nd, San Diego, CA (Early bird ends October 25th at 11:55pm!)
May 1st-2nd, 2021, Minneapolis, MN (Early bird ends April 4th at 11:55pm!)
Dickinson College in Carlisle PA (POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19) [Approved for 14 Category A CEUs for athletic trainers]
Or check out this little teaser for Human Matrix home study. Best part is if you attend the live course you'll get this bad boy for free! (Release date not known yet :(
Here's a signup for my newsletter to get nearly 5 hours and 50 pages of content, access to my free breathing and body mechanics course, a free acute:chronic workload calculator, basketball conditioning program, podcasts, and weekend learning goodies:
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Respiratory Action of the Intercostal Muscles
Mechanics of the Respiratory Muscles
Below is a picture of the parasternal intercostals. They are written as "internal intercostals" in the picture.
and below are the external intercostals. The uppermost region of this muscle, the area which expands upon inhalation, is called the dorsal rostral region. Hence, why you'll hear dorsal rostral expansion.
And they are some bad mother (Shut yo' mouth). What?? I'm talking about intercostals. (Photo credit: Anatomography)Here is a great picture of a Dowager's Hump
All About the Ribcage - Here is where we deep dive into the manubriosternal joint.
Check out a picture of the manubrium's relationship to the ribcage and spine below
You can see how it's roughly parallel to T3-4. (Photo credit: Anatomography)Reaching: Theory and Practice - a great tutorial on all things reaching.
Introduction to Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy Course Review - If you want to learn all things upper airway, meet your god.
Virtual Recovery and Sleep Summit - I have a short presentation on here that goes into a simple progression for attaining a palatal tongue posture. The speak lineup on this is insane, and it's free! You should definitely give it a shot ;)
The lumbar and sacrum movement pattern during the back squat exercise - This article demonstrates how the lumbar spine becomes kyphotic during the back squat. Prepare to have your mind blown.
The torso integration hypothesis revisited in Homo sapiens: Contributions to the understanding of hominin body shape evolution - This dope article demonstrates how ribcage and ilial structure differs among individuals. We are not the same, I am a martian!
Here is the video where Bill Hartman talks about the negative consequences of classic scapular exercises
Below is a picture showing the anatomical locations of the lower trapezius and the rhomboids:
Expansion up top - stretch the rhomboids; expansion down low - detrapify yourself! (Photo credit: Henry van Dyke Carter)Here is a video of the cat-cow/cat-camel exercise
Check out the reach, roll, and lift exercise, fam
The 2020 Online Human Performance Summit - This summit features yours truly and several other big names in our field. Join the live stream, it's only $15!
Hey man what’s the deal with this? When I inhale the diaphragm descends and ideally, the sacrum counternutates to accept the viscera and all the pelvis mechanics follow.
Let’s talk spinal inhalation. The lumbar spine should be able to accept some of that viscera and expand (i.e. reverse its lordotic curve). Otherwise, the counternutation wouldn’t happen.
Should the rest of the spine move into Flexion or would they spine move more into extension at thoracic spine?
I just heard someone say the thoracic spine would extend on inhalation and I was torn, so I was like, “I gotta ask ZC about this.”
I’m thinking lower ribs would bucket handle, sternum would pump handle, scaps should abduct, upwardly rotate, and IR (?) So what’s the dealio?
I am struggling to understand what could be going on with a Dowager's Hump. Could you explain what you'd expect going on with it and what the expected limitations would be on the table? Maybe some initial exercise prescription based on expected limitations?
Is it okay to sit in flexion?
Is the swayback posture a similar compensation to a Dowager's hump?
Does restoring more "neutral" lordosis allow for better spinal rotation naturally, or do you have clients perform bottom-up and or top-down rotation mobility exercises?
Do I ever see issues with excessive flexibility into lumbar flexion as an adaptation to a concentric strategy in the thorax
I'm wondering about the role of the lower traps in relation to compression of the upper back and lower neck (like I have).
I watched Bill talk about Is, Ts, and Ys being counterproductive usually in wide ISA people who are compressed up top, but are there situations where lower traps can be useful anyway for such people? The normie PTs always say to use lower traps to help "shut off" the upper traps and I'm wondering what mechanism they're even referring to...
Thoughts on cat-cow exercise? Useful for breathing mechanics? Useful for fluid slushing?
How would a spinal fusion effect one's breathing?